3Sep WW II – Ernst George Stultz (USA) by douggieweeks WW II, WWII USA Ernst George Stultz 32nd Division, 126th Infantry Regiment Ernest George Stultz, born 26 Jul 1925 in Shrewsbury, Worcester, Massachusetts and died 23 Apr 1992. P.F.C. Ernest George Stultz, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Stultz of North Chestnut street has been given the Philippine Liberation Medal. Holder of the Combat Infantrymen's Badge, P.F.C. Stultz is a battle wise veteran of three major campaigns against the Japanese. Go Back Acknowledgment: https://www.tracesofwar.com/awards/1718/Combat-Infantryman-Badge.htm?sort=name&show=list&abc=S#abc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippine_Liberation_Medal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Infantryman_Badge