WW II – Philip Reginald Israel Raphael (Africa)

Philip Reginald Israel Raphael

Philip Robin Raphael
grandson of Philip Reginald Israel Raphael
Visit the former battle field where his grandfather Philip Reginald Israel Raphael
fought and paid the highest price during WW II (1942) Ceylon(Sri-Lanka)
to honour and pay respects.
Photo extracts from Philip Robin Raphael trip


HMS Hermes

HMS Hermes
` ` This is the 10,850 ton Aircraft Carrier HMS Hermes under fire, ablaze and sinking during World War 2. As Simonstown in South Africa was a British Naval base thousands of South Africans in WW2 served in the Royal Navy as well as in the South African Naval Forces (SANF). The loss of an aircraft carrier the size of the HMS Hermes is bound to include a South African honour roll and unfortunately this one does. Read on for their story.
HMS Hermes’ short history
` The HMS Hermes was the first purpose-built aircraft carrier in the world. The design was based on that of a cruiser and the ship was intended for a similar scouting role. She was built by Armstrong Whitworth and launched 11 September 1919.
` After a distinguished wartime career she was lost 9 April 1942. HMS Hermes had a small aircraft complement, light protection and anti-aircraft armament. She had a limited high-speed endurance and stability problems caused by the large starboard island, with fuel having to be carefully distributed to balance the ship.
` HMS Hermes was deemed unsuitable for operations in European waters, and was consequently employed in trade protection in the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans until March 1942.
` HMS Hermes in South Africa
` In June 1941, the HMS Hermes took passage to South Africa, where she undertook repairs from July to October in HM Dockyard Simonstown. By November she was ready to re-rejoin the action as part of convoy defence in Indian Ocean. She took on a large contingent of South African Naval Forces personnel seconded to The Royal Navy’s requirements as part of her crew. The HMS Hermes then sailed from Cape Town accompanied by the Battleship HMS Prince of Wales on passage up the Indian Ocean.
In December 1941 she undergoes more refitting, again in South Africa, this time in Durban. By February 1942, she leaves Durban (with more South African personnel) and resumes convoy defence duties in the Indian Ocean. By March she joins the Eastern Fleet searching for Japanese warships in Indian Ocean to engage.

Japanese attack on Ceylon

With Japan’s entry into the war, and especially after the fall of Singapore, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) became a front-line British base. The Royal Navy’s East Indies Station and Eastern Fleet was moved to Colombo and Trincomalee.
HMS_Hermes_June_1940 HMS Hermes on patrol with HMS Dorsetshire – 1942
Admiral Sir James Somerville was appointed as the commander of the British Eastern Fleet, and he decided to withdraw main component the fleet to Addu Atoll in the Maldives, leaving a small force to defend Ceylon (Sri Lanka) consisting of an aircraft carrier, the HMS Hermes, two heavy cruisers – the HMS Cornwall and HMS Dorsetshire, one Australian Destroyer the HMSAS Vampire and the flower class corvette HMS Hollyhock.
The Royal Navy’s own ‘Pearl Harbour’
The Imperial Japanese Navy, in much the same way and with the same objectives that were used at Pearl Harbour against the American fleet planned a decisive attack of the British Eastern Fleet to end their presence in the North Indian and Pacific oceans. Unaware that the main body of the British fleet had moved to the Maldives, they focused their plan on Colombo.
The planned Japanese attack was to become collectively known as the Easter Sunday Raid and the Japanese fleet comprised five aircraft carriers plus supporting ships under the command of Admiral Chuichi Nagumo.
In an almost exact copy of the raid on the American fleet at Peal Harbour (as if no learnings were made by the Allies), on 4 April 1942, the Japanese fleet was located by a Canadian PBY Calatina aircraft, the Catalina radioed the position of the Japanese Fleet to The British Eastern Fleet which alerted the British to the impending attack before it was shot down by six Japanese Zero fighters from the carrier Hiryu, However, despite the warning Nagumo’s air strike on Colombo the next day, Easter Sunday 5th April achieved near-complete surprise (Pearl Harbour was also attacked on a weekend). The British Radar installations were not operating, they were shut down for routine maintenance.
1200px-Japanese_aircraft_carrier_Hiryu_1939 Japanese Carrier Hiryu
The first attack wave of Japanese planes took off in pre-dawn darkness (30 minutes before sunrise) from the aircraft carriers Akagi, Hiryu and Soryu, moving about 200 miles south of Sri Lanka. The first attack wave of 36 fighters, 54 dive bombers, and 90 level bombers was led by Captain Mitsuo Fuchida the same officer who led the air attack on Pearl Harbour.
The Heavy Cruisers, HMS Cornwall and HMS Dorsetshire set out in pursuit of the Japanese. On 5 April 1942, the two cruisers were sighted by a spotter plane from the Japanese cruiser Tone about 200 miles (370 km) southwest of Ceylon. A wave of Japanese dive bombers led by Lieutenant Commander Egusa took off from Japanese carriers to attack Cornwall and Dorsetshire, 320 km (170 nmi; 200 mi) southwest of Ceylon, and sank the two ships.
On 9 April, the Japanese focussed their attack on the harbour at Trincomalee and the British ships off Batticaloa. The HMS Hermes left the Royal Naval Base of Trincomalee, Ceylon escorted by the Australian Destroyer HMAS Vampire and HMS Hollyhock looking to engage the Imperial Japanese fleet which had attacked Colombo. `
While sailing south off Batticaloa on the East Coast of Ceylon, this British flotilla was also attacked by the Japanese Carrier-Borne dive-bombers from the Imperial Japanese Task Force now in the process of attacking the Naval Base at Trincomalee. `
Zero_Akagi_Dec1941 Admiral Nagumo’s fleet unleashed the Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighters and bombers on the attack on Colombo on 5 April 1942. `
Approximately 70 Japanese aircraft were despatched to bomb the HMS Hermes which sank within ten minutes of being hit by numerous aircraft bombs. HMAS Vampire was also sunk by bombs a short while later. `
The HMS Hollyhock was about 7 nautical miles from the HMS Hermes escorting a tanker, the RFA Athelstane when the Hermes came under attack. The Hollyhock came under attack by the same Japanese aircraft and it too was bombed and sunk. For an in-depth appraisal on the South Africans lost on the Hollyhock follow this Observation Post link: “She immediately blew up”; Recounting South African sacrifice on the HMS Hollyhock

Dante`s Inferno

` An eyewitness account of the sinking by Stan Curtiss says everything about the trauma and personal drama experienced by the sailors and officers:
“The AA guns crews did a magnificent job and to assist them because the planes at the end of their dive flew along the flight deck to drop their bombs and because the guns could not be fired at that low angle, all the 5.5.`s, mine included had orders to elevate to the maximum so that as the ship slewed from side to side to fire at will hoping that the shrapnel from the shells would cause some damage to the never ending stream of bombers that were hurtling down out of the sun to tear the guts out of my ship that had been my home for the past 3 years.
` hermes 4Suddenly there was an almighty explosion that seemed to lift us out of the water, the after magazine had gone up, then another, this time above us on the starboard side, from that moment onwards we had no further communication with the bridge which had received a direct hit, as a result of that our Captain and all bridge personnel were killed.
` Only about fifteen minutes had passed since the start of the action and the ship was already listing to port, fires were raging in the hanger, she was on fire from stem to stern, just aft of my gun position was the galley, that received a direct hit also, minutes later we had a near miss alongside our gun, talk about a tidal wave coming aboard, our crew were flung yards, tossed like corks on a pond. Picking myself up and finding no bones broken, I called out to each number of our crew and got an answer from all of them (no-one washed overboard), we were lucky; our gun was the only one that did not get hit.
At this stage Hermes had a very heavy list to port and it was obvious that she was about to sink. As the sea was now only feet below our gun deck I gave the order “over the side lads, every man for himself, good luck to you all”.
` Abandon ship had previously been given by word of mouth, the lads went over the side and I followed, hitting the water at 11.00 hours, this is the time my wristwatch stopped (I didn’t have a waterproof one).
` As she was sinking the Japs were still dropping bombs on her and machine gunning the lads in the water. In the water I swam away from the ship as fast as I could, the ship still had way on and I wanted to get clear of the screws and also because bombs were still exploding close to the ship, the force of the explosions would rupture your stomach, quite a few of the lads were lost in this way after surviving Dante’s Inferno aboard, so it was head down and away”.

The aftermath

South African casualties aboard HMS Hermes

Their names have not been forgotten

Written and Researched by Peter Dickens. Reference thanks to Graham Du Toit, other references and extracts taken from Wikipedia, Service Histories of Royal Navy Ships in World War 2 by Cdr Geoffrey B Mason RN (Retired). Image copyright Imperial War Museum and the Australian War Memorial.
https://samilhistory.com/2017/12/07/dantes-inferno-recounting-south-african-sacrifice-on-the-hms-hermes/?fbclid=IwAR3bo2IwbWEFWA7JZ6_U2lVfCJN7V7l9gktGjXrTeJb4CjwR3mkHbOMqeH4 https://samilhistory.com/2018/03/29/they-machine-gunned-us-in-the-water-recounting-south-african-sacrifice-on-the-hms-dorsetshire/?fbclid=IwAR2E8U6AVDMpa4tr3Nir7DMg4ofbBNeSyAPV-0UzywWq3mdff7_FXw6zbbU ` `

Royal Navy Divers pay their respects to
HMS Hermes

Two hundred feet below the surface of the Bay of Bengal the Royal Navy's standard 'flies' on HMS Hermes for the first time in 75 years.

After practising diving on a downed WW2 fighter in the harbor entrance, the two dive teams headed down the coast to the site of Hermes' wreck.
Although there were aircraft carriers before Hermes, they started life as other types of ship.
Hermes was designed and built from the outset as a carrier, spending most of her career in the Mediterranean and Far East between the world wars.
Even though she was reduced to a training ship in 1938, the onset of war forced a return to front-line duties.
In 1942, she was sent to the Indian Ocean to support he Allied invasion of Madagascar. `
When Japanese bombers threatened the port of Trincomalee in the north of the island, Hermes sailed to escape them.
Salvation was short lived. The carrier and her Australian escort, destroyer HMAS Vampire, barely got 65 miles before she they were pounced upon about 20 miles off the port of Batticaloa.
More than 80 Japanese dive bombers escorted by nine Zero fighters attacked, opposed by just half a dozen sluggish RAF Fairey Fulmar fighters and the anti-aircraft gunners on both ships.
Hermes succumbed in just 20 minutes. Hit 40 times she sank taking 307 men down with her.
The bombers then turned their attention to Vampire, breaking the ship in two; amazingly, just eight destroyermen were killed.
Hermes' wreck lies 60 metres down, which meant only one section - the bilge keel - was accessible for the diving teams.
"This is the first time that Royal Navy personnel have been able to pay their respects in such a way in the 75 years since Hermes was tragically sunk," said Chief Petty Officer Ward Peers, second-in-command of Fleet Diving Unit 2.
"Laying the ensign was a great honour for everyone involved. Being able to dive on such a huge piece of British military history is a huge achievement and we are extremely grateful for the opportunity given to us by the Sri Lankan Navy."
Fellow diver Lieutenant James Preston said it had been "a unique opportunity" none of team would forget.
"We're proud to have paid respect to the lost sailors on HMS Hermes - this visit will form a proud part of the team's history," he added.
"There was a lot of black coral on the hull, but not much more - the hull was in great condition and appeared strong with little corrosion.
Beyond diving on Hermes' wreck, the week with the Sri Lankan Navy should pave the way for more co-operation between the two navies and the diving arms in particular, with the Brits hoping to offer training courses for their Commonwealth colleagues in due course at the Defence Diving School on Horsea Island in Portsmouth.

