WW II – Philip Reginald Israel Raphael (Africa)
Philip Reginald Israel Raphael

Philip Robin Raphael
grandson of Philip Reginald Israel Raphael
Visit the former battle field where his grandfather Philip Reginald Israel Raphael
fought and paid the highest price during WW II (1942) Ceylon(Sri-Lanka)
to honour and pay respects.
Photo extracts from Philip Robin Raphael trip
HMS Hermes

Japanese attack on Ceylon

Dante`s Inferno
The aftermath
South African casualties aboard HMS Hermes
Their names have not been forgotten
Written and Researched by Peter Dickens. Reference thanks to Graham Du Toit, other references and extracts taken from Wikipedia, Service Histories of Royal Navy Ships in World War 2 by Cdr Geoffrey B Mason RN (Retired). Image copyright Imperial War Museum and the Australian War Memorial.
Royal Navy Divers pay their respects to
HMS Hermes

Two hundred feet below the surface of the Bay of Bengal the Royal Navy's standard 'flies' on HMS Hermes for the first time in 75 years.


Melanie Tyrrell nee Raphael
Such a wonderful testimony to my grandfather. Thank you xx