Albert II Weeks and Heila Elizabeth (Betty) van Rooÿen Albert & Bettie ( Heila) Weeks Photos from their album Albert Weeks Betty (Heila) , Betty (Elizabeth), Albert Weeks and kids Weeks Weeks family in Durban Willie, James and Albert Weeks Albert & Betty (Elizabeth) Weeks and Mark Weeks Albert III (b 1926) and Elizabeth Betty (Viljoen) Weeks both were called Betty Albert & Betty (Elizabeth) Weeks Betty (Elizabeth) Weeks Wedding vows Albert & Betty (Viljoen) Weeks cutting the cake 3 generatios- L-R May , Betty, her grand daughter Anri and daughter Lynn Boet Botha, Albert Weeks and Wallie Weels Betty (Viljoen) Weeks and daughter Lynn (Weeks) Snyman Albert Weeks vacuuming his shoes Betty ( Viljoen) Weeks Betty (Elizabeth) Weeks Mark Gavin & Charmaine Weeks Mark 7 Charmaine Weeks Lynn (Weeks) Snyman Lynn (Weeks) and her grand dad Albert Lynn (Weeks) Snyman Anri (Snyman) & Petrus Goosen Anri and her dad Yvonne Weeks Yvonne Weeks and friend Yvonne Weeks and her brother Alber Weeks Dr. Richard Vernon Weeks Family request to stay private, and we respect their wishes Richard Vernon Weeks and Lynn (Weeks) Snyman Richard Vernon Weeks