Martha Johanna Weeks ( 1904-1979)
George Alexander II Ross (1909-1998)

Dalene Magret parents :
Steve and Doris (Coupe) Muller
George Alexander III ( Sandy) parents :
L-R - George Alexander II Ross married Martha Johanna Weeks
R-L Steve and Doris Muller
Some History :
Weeks susters
Weeks Family11
Aunty Miemie in Durban
George Alexander I and Maria Magdalena Ross and their childern George Alexander II and Anne

George Alexander III Ross and Dalene Magret Muller (1970)

George Alexander III Ross and Dalene Magaret Muller

Some photos from the album

George and Dalene Ross
Oom Sandy and May Barnard
George III (Sandy and May (Ross) Barnard
Joy - Sandy se half sister
(Joy) Martha Johanna (Murray)
George ( Sandy)Ross
George Alexanderand Dalene Ross
Sandy Ross
Sandy Ross
Daleen Ross
Sandy Ross
Billy Renny , Sandy Ross and Tony Scheffe -1959 Orkney

Gordon Alexander married Annelize ( Brits) Ross (2009)

Alyssa, Gordon, Annelize, Adelyn and Nathan

Gordon Alexander married Annelize ( Brits) Ross (2009)

Family photo

Branden Allen Monique Zander 1
Brendan, Allan, Monique and Zander

Martha Magdalena (Mae) Ross
Johan Christiaan (Sakkie) Barnard