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How wide ....are we recording info

The Weeks family heart is beating widely- my primary focus is the Weeks Family name.

However, not limited to them only, the wife’s family, and daughters new family are also very important to our family and linked in our Family Tree 


We are all part of the Weeks puzzle

Up to recently, I could only find a few Weeks last name researchers that are specifically focusing on the Weeks Family.

We do not duplicate trees or scratch in other researchers’ salad bowl ( family trees), we take hands, rub shoulders, record history, and share information to build a Family legacy to be proud of

Only the
"Good Stories"

All families has “good stories”  – We cannot judge, nor change the history or walked in our great grandparents footsteps. We embrace, respect and build onto the Legacy left behind for us.

We focus on passing on and recording the Weeks legacy, Stories, favorite saying,photos and traditions that are special to our family